
Six Tips for Chronic Pain Treatment

Six Tips for Chronic Pain Treatment

Pure Physical Therapy provides pain relief McAllen, TX

Are you experiencing pain that you thought would have gone away by now? Chronic pain is not the same as ordinary pain. It doesn’t stop. Months to years after the initial injury, many sufferers still are finding ways to deal with its effects, and chronic pain is definitely one of those effects. If your life is affected, see a therapist to get a complete plan for chronic pain treatment in McAllen that includes not only therapy, but also advice on making positive changes that can help you.

Here are six tips for chronic pain treatment.

1) Eat the best diet that you can

Pain is made worse by some of the things in our diet that we don’t suspect could be the problem. Sugar, grains, and processed vegetable oils increase inflammation, and that makes pain worse. In addition to removing some of the things from your diet that aren’t helping, also bring in some foods that help with inflammation, such as more healthy fats and vitamins and minerals, including a proper balance of omega-, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. But before making any changes, be sure to discuss your food and vitamin choices with your chronic pain treatment in McAllen therapist or doctor.

2) Take natural herbs and supplements

Many of the herbs that are found in the vitamin stores and health food stores can be very helpful for chronic pain treatment in McAllen. There are many supplements to be found, as well as vitamins and minerals that are naturally found, but Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Magnesium are needed. Those three are often deficient in the human diet today, and taking more can help you feel better; however, be sure that you discuss any changes to the pills or foods that you take with your therapist.

3) Don’t continue with harmful behaviors

Your chronic pain treatment in McAllen will recommend you quit smoking, drinking alcohol, and overworking the areas that are giving you pain. Continuing with these behaviors can interfere with sleep and mental relaxation.

4) Change your shoes

If you have been wearing an older pair of walking shoes that you have been using for a long time, consider buying a new pair, especially if you walk a lot, or if the pain is in your feet and is aggravated as you walk. You will be amazed at the difference a good pair of shoes can make. For pain from plantar fasciitis, for instance, just changing the angle of the foot can help. Your chronic pain treatment in McAllen will recommend that you wear a shoe with arch support and a slightly elevated heal.

5) Relax and get plenty of sleep

Healing can only be done through resting. Don’t try to do everything you have always done. Chronic pain often leads to depression, and that threatens mental health. Any program for chronic pain treatment in McAllen should include a plan for making positive lifestyle improvements. Getting enough good quality sleep is essential for managing and coping.

6) See an expert

See a therapist from Pure Physical Therapy about chronic pain treatment in McAllen, TX, for advice about a complete treatment that is right for you and that takes into consideration your situation. Chronic pain treatment includes the whole body and mind. There are things that can help you, but an expert can show you how everything fits together.